Produits par normes
Quels sont les standards et les normes auxquels vous devez vous conformer ?
Les instruments SCHMIDT + HAENSCH sont conformes à une multitude de normes et de standards internationaux. Selon les normes qui vous concernent, vous pouvez naviguer dans notre portefeuille d’instruments en fonction des normes et standards applicables. Ou contactez-nous directement ! Nos experts se feront un plaisir d’élaborer une solution adaptée à vos besoins.
Tous les standards et normes énumérés sont des exemples d’applications pour les instruments SCHMIDT + HAENSCH. La responsabilité n’est accordée qu’une fois
L’application spécifique et l’utilisation correcte de l’instrument ont été soigneusement validées par SCHMIDT + HAENSCH. Veuillez vous adresser à notre équipe de qualification des instruments pour toute demande spécifique de mise à jour des normes et standards.

Organization | Title | Suggested Measuring Device |
21 CFR Part 11 | Documentation and system validation of United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations | VariPol, Polartronic® V and UniPol V |
AOAC 896.01 | Lactose in Milk | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 896.02 | Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 898.02 | Physical Constants of 10 % Distillate of Lemon and Orange Oils | VariPol |
AOAC 902.02 | Sucrose in Vanilla Extract | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 906.03 | Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 920.139 | Sucrose in Lemon, Orange, and Lime Extracts | VariPol |
AOAC 920.142 | Optical Rotation of Lemon and Orange Oils | VariPol |
AOAC 920.182 | Polarization (Direct) of Honey | UniPol V |
AOAC 920.184 | Sucrose in Honey | UniPol V |
AOAC 920.188 | Polarization of Maple Products | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 920.189 | Sucrose in Maple Products | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 920.190 | Sugars (Reducing) in Maple Products as Invert Sugar | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 920.191 | Glucose (Commercial) in Maple Products | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 920.65 | Nonsugar Solids (Sugar-Free Extract) in Wines | UniPol V |
AOAC 920.65 | Sucrose in Wine | UniPol V |
AOAC 920.66 | Commercial Glucose in Wine | UniPol V |
AOAC 920.82 | Sucrose in Cacao Products | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 920.83 | Starch in Cacao Products | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 920.96 | Coating and Glazing Substances in Roasted Coffee | UniPol V |
AOAC 921.03 | Sugars (Reducing) in Plants | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 921.10 | Oil (Rosin) in Oils and Fats | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 925.05 | Sucrose in Animal Feed | UniPol V |
AOAC 925.33 | Oils of Lemon and Orange in Extracts | VariPol |
AOAC 925.35 | Sucrose in Fruits and Fruit Products | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 925.37 | Glucose (Commercial) in Fruits and Fruit Products Procedure | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 925.42 | Sugars (Reducing) Before Inversion in Food Dressings | UniPol V |
AOAC 925.43 | Sugars (Reducing) After Inversion in Food Dressings | UniPol V |
AOAC 925.46 | Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 925.47 | Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 925.48 | Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 925.52 | Sugars in canned vegetables | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 926.11 | Oils of lemon, Orange, or Lime in oil-base flavours | VariPol |
AOAC 926.13 | Sucrose and Raffinose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 926.14 & Surplus | Sucrose and Raffinose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOCS 926.18 | Camphor in drugs | VariPol |
AOAC 929.09 | Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 930.32 | Lactose in Process Cheese | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 930.35 | Vinegars | UniPol V |
AOAC 930.36 | Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 930.37 | Corn (Glucose) Syrup in Sugars and Syrups | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 931.07 | Glucose and Sucrose in Eggs Sugar Inversion Method | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 932.13 & Surplus | Levo-Malic Acid in Fruits and Fruit Products | VariPol |
AOAC 932.14 & Surplus | Amphetamine Drugs | VariPol |
AOAC 933.04 | Lactose in Milk Chocolate | UniPol V |
AOAC 933.07 | Malic acid (inactive) in fruits and fruit products | VariPol |
AOAC 935.62 | Glucose in sugars and syrups. Chemical methods | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 940.11 | Sucrose in Cordials and Liqueurs | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 942.20 | Sucrose in Sugar Beets | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 945.37 | Starch in flour | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 945.55 | Sucrose in Gelatine | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 945.56 | Loss on drying (moisture) in starch dessert powders | Polartronic® V |
AOAC 945.67 | Glucose in Corn Syrups and Dextrose Products | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 950.18 | Malic acid (levo and inactive) in non-alcoholic beverages | UniPol V |
AOAC 950.29 | Sucrose in non-alcoholic beverages | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 950.30 | Sugars (reducing) in non-alcoholic beverages | UniPol V |
AOAC 950.31 | Glucose (commercial) in non-alcoholic beverages | UniPol V |
AOAC 954.14 | Amphetamine Drugs (stereochemical composition) | VariPol |
AOAC 965.31 | Lemon juice | UniPol V |
AOAC 968.19 | Levo-malic acid in fruits and fruit products | UniPol V |
AOAC 970.57 | Sucrose in molasses. Polarimetric methods | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 975.14 | Sugars in bread | Saccharomat® V |
AOAC 975.43 | Identification of RRR- or all-rac-alpha-Tocopherol in Drugs and Food or Feed Supplements | VariPol |
IUPAC-AOAC 986.19 | Triglycerides in fats and oils | Polartronic® V |
ASTM C1426-14 | Standard Practices for Verification and Calibration of Polarimeters | Polartronic® V, VariPol, UniPol V |
ASTM C148-17 | Standard Test Methods for Polariscopic Examination of Glass Containers | Polartronic® V, VariPol, UniPol V |
ASTM F140-98 | Standard Practice for Making Reference Glass-Metal Butt Seals and Testing for Expansion Characteristics by Polarimetric Methods | Polartronic® V, VariPol, UniPol V |
ASTM F218-13 | Standard Test Method for Measuring Optical Retardation and Analysing Stress in Glass | Polartronic® V, VariPol, UniPol V |
EHC Harmonised methods of the European Honey Commission 1997 | Sugars Determination of specific rotation | Saccharomat® V |
GS1/2/3/9-1 | The Determination of the Polarisation of Raw Sugar by Polarimetry | Polartronic® V |
ICUMSA GS1/2/3/9-1 | Determination of Polarisation of Raw Sugar by Polarimetry - Official | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS1/2/3-2 | Polarisation of Raw Sugar without Wet Lead Clarification | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS2/3-1 | The Braunschweig Method for the Polarisation of White Sugar by Polarisation – Official (Reference) Method | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS3-1 | The Determination of the Polarisation of the Sugar Component of Powdered Sugars Containing Anti-Caking Agents – Official | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS4/7-1 | The Determination of Apparent Sucrose in Molasses by a Double Polarisation Method – Accepted | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS5/7-1 | Polarisation , Brix and Fibre in Cane and Bagasse by the Wet Disintegrator with Lead Subacetate Single Method | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS6-1 | The Determination of the Polarisation of Sugar Beet by the Macerator or Cold Aqueous Digestion Method using Lead Acetate as Clarifying Agent – Official | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS6-3 | Polarisation of Sugar Beet by the Macerator or Cold Aqueous Digestion and Aluminium Sulphate Single Method | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA GS7-7 | The Determination of the Pol (Polarisation) of Filter Cake by Polarimetry with Lead Subacetate – Accepted | Polartronic® V |
ICUMSA GS7-31 | The Determination of Pol by NIR Polarimetry and Brix for Sugarcane and Factory Product – Tentative | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
ICUMSA SPS-1 | Polarimetry and the International Sugar Scale | Polartronic® V |
ICUMSA SPS-1SScale | Specification and Standard SPS - 1 (2017), Polarimetry and the International Sugar Scale | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
OIML R 14 | Polarimetric saccharimeters graduated in accordance with the ICUMSA International Sugar Scale | Saccharomat® V |
Ph. Eur. 7th Edition-2.2.7 | Optical rotation | VariPol |
USP 781 | Optical rotation | VariPol |
Australian Standard K157 | Australian Standards (AS) compliant | VariPol |
AS 4185 | Determination of sucrose content of sugar cane juices, sugars and sugar mill products | VariPol |
EU Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with European pharmaceutical quality standards | VariPol |
US Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with US-American pharmaceutical quality standards | VariPol |
JP 17 2 56 Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with Japanese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariPol |
Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 | Compliant with Chinese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariPol |
Organization | Title | Suggested Measuring Device |
21 CFR Part 11 | Documentation and system validation of United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations | VariRef |
AOAC 896.02 | Sucrose in sugar and syrups | ATR-P |
AOAC 898.02 | Physical Constants of 10 per cent distillate of lemon and orange oils | VariRef |
AOAC 905.01 | Methanol in Distilled Liquors - Immersion refractometer method | ATR-P |
AOAC 908.01 | Percent Alcohol by Volume in Distilled Liquors | ATR-P |
AOAC 920.08 | Sand and silica in plants (gravimetric method) | VariRef |
AOAC 920.141 | Refractive index of lemon and orange oils | VariRef |
AOAC 920.58 | Alcohol in wines - By volume from refraction (rapid method) | ATR-P |
AOAC 920.78 | Index of refraction of cacao fat | VariRef |
AOAC 921.08 | Index of refraction of oils and fats | VariRef |
AOAC 932.12 | Solids (soluble) in fruits and fruit products | ATR-P |
AOAC 932.14 | Solids in syrups | ATR-P |
AOAC 940.06 | Methanol in Cordials and Liqueurs | ATR-P |
AOAC 940.09 | Total Solids in Cordials and Liqueurs | ATR-P |
AOAC 940.16 | Volatile esters in cordials and liqueurs | ATR-P |
AOAC 943.05 | Dry substance in corn syrups and sugars | ATR-P |
AOAC 945.102 | Oil (mineral) in fats | ATR-BR |
AOAC 948.10 | Water (added) in milk | ATR-P |
AOAC 949.11 | Shellac in confectionery | VariRef |
AOAC 950.04 | Alcohol by volume in distilled liqueurs | ATR-P |
AOAC 950.06 | Fermentation of beer | ATR-P |
AOAC 950.13 | Alcohol in nonalcoholic beverages | ATR-P |
AOAC 953.16 | Fruit Content (Approximate) of Frozen Fruit-Sugar Mixtures | ATR-P |
AOAC 960.57 | Crystalline substances | VariRef |
AOAC 969.18 | Refractive Index of Butterfat | ATR-P |
AOAC 969.38 | Moisture in honey | ATR-P |
AOAC 970.15 | Alcohol (by weight) in beer - Refractometer method | ATR-P |
AOAC 970.59 | Solids (soluble) in tomato products | ATR-P |
AOAC 973.65 | Characterization and matching of glass fragments | ATR-L |
AOAC 976.20 | Solids (Soluble) in Frozen Concentrate for Lemonade | ATR-P |
AOAC 981.23 | Mineral wool insulation | VariRef |
AOAC 983.01 | Urea and methyleneureas (Water-soluble) in fertilizers | VariRef |
AOAC 983.17 | Solids (Soluble) in Citrus Fruit Juices | ATR-P |
AOAC 995.17 | Beet sugars in fruit juices | ATR-P |
AOAC 2000.19 | Beet or cane sugar in maple syrup | ATR-P |
AOCS Methods Set 2000 | AOCS Methods Set | VariRef |
AOCS Tp 1a-64 | Refractive Index of Drying Oils | VariRef |
AOCS S 2-64 | Methods for Testing Drying Oils | VariRef |
ASTM D1218 | Standard Test Method for Refractive Index and Refractive Dispersion of Hydrocarbon Liquids | ATR-L |
ASTM D1747 | Standard Test Method for Refractive Index of Viscous Materials | ATR-P |
ASTM D3321 | Standard Test Method for Use of the Refractometer for Field Test Determination of the Freezing Point of Aqueous Engine Coolants | VariRef |
ASTM D4095 | Standard Practice for Use of the Refractometer for Determining Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Floor Polishes | VariRef |
ASTM D4542 | Standard Test Methods for Pore Water Extraction and Determination of the Soluble Salt Content of Soils by Refractometer | ATR-BR |
ASTM D5006 | Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fuel System Icing Inhibitors (Ether Type) in Aviation Fuels | VariRef |
ASTM D524 | Standard Test Method for Ramsbottom Carbon Residue of Petroleum Products | VariRef |
ASTM D542 | Standard Test Method for Index of Refraction of Transparent Organic Plastics | ATR-L |
DIN 51423-2 | Testing of mineral oils - Part 2: Measurement of the relative refractive index with the Abbe-refractometer Prüfung von Mineralölen - Teil 2: Messung der relativen Brechzahl mit dem Abbe-Refraktometer | ATR-L |
EHC Harmonised methods of the European Honey Commission 1997 | Determination of moisture, refractometric method | VariRef |
ICUMSA GS4/3-13 | The Determination of Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS%) of Molasses – Accepted and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars), Thick Juices and Run-off Syrups | ATR-P |
ICUMSA GS4/3/8-13 | The Determination of Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS %) of Molasses - Accepted and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars), Thick Juice and Run-off Syrups-Official | ATR-P, Purity Analyzer® |
ISI 06-1e | Determination of Dry Matter in Syrup by Refractive Index | VariRef |
ISO 1743:1982 | Glucose Syrup – Determination of dry matter content – Refractive index method | ATR-P |
ISO8036 | Microscopes — Immersion liquids for light microscopy | VariRef |
OIML R 108 | Refractometers for the measurement of the sugar content of fruit juices | ATR-P |
OIV MA-AS2-02: | Evaluation by refractometry of the sugar concentration in grape musts, concentrated grape musts and rectified concentrated grape musts | ATR-P |
OIV MA-AS312-01B | Alcoholic strength by volume - Measurement of the alcoholic strength of the distillate by refractometry | VariRef |
Ph. Eur. 7th Edition-2.2.7 | Refractive Index | VariRef |
USP 831 | Refractive Index | VariRef |
Australian Standard K157 | Australian Standards (AS) compliant | Purity Analyzer® |
AS 4185 | Determination of sucrose content of sugar cane juices, sugars and sugar mill products | Saccharomat® V, Purity Analyzer® |
EU Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with European pharmaceutical quality standards | VariRef |
US Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with US-American pharmaceutical quality standards | VariRef |
JP 17 2 56 Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with Japanese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariRef |
Chinese Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with Chinese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariRef |
Organization | Title | Suggested Measuring Device |
21 CFR Part 11 | Documentation and system validation of United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations | VariDens |
AOAC 945.102 | Oil (Mineral) in Fat | VariDens |
AOAC 982.10 | Alcohol by Volume in Distilled Liquor | VariDens |
AOAC 983.12 | Alcohol by Volume in Liqueurs and Alcoholic Dairy Products | VariDens |
AOAC 988.06 | Specific Gravity of Beer and Wort | VariDens |
AOAC 992.29 Ethanol and Original Gravity Content in Beer | Ethanol and Original Gravity Content in Beer | VariDens |
ASBC Beer-2B | Specific Gravity by digital density meter (1978) | VariDens |
ASBC Beer-4B | Instrumental method for alcohol and original gravity content (1989) | VariDens |
ASBC Beer-5A&B | Real Extract — Beer measured volumetrically & gravimetrically (1958) | VariDens |
ASBC Wort-2 | Specific Gravity by digital density meter (2011) | VariDens |
ASTM 7961 | Standard Practice for Calibrating U-tube Density Cells over Large Ranges of Temperature and Pressure | VariDens |
ASTM D1250 | Standard Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement TablesASTM D1250-08:2013 Standard Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement Tables | VariDens |
ASTM D1475 | Standard Test Method For Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Related Products | VariDens |
ASTM D2501 | Standard Test Method for Calculation of Viscosity-Gravity Constant (VGC) of Petroleum Oils | VariDens |
ASTM D4052 | Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter | VariDens |
ASTM D4806 | Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel | VariDens |
ASTM D5002 | Method for Density and Relative Density of Crude Oils by Digital Density Analyzer | VariDens |
ASTM D5931 | Standard Test Method for Density and Relative Density of Engine Coolant Concentrates and Aqueous Engine Coolants by Digital Density Meter | VariDens |
ASTM D6448 | Standard Specification for Industrial Burner Fuels from Used Lubricating Oils | VariDens |
ASTM D8188 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Density and Relative Density of Asphalt, Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials, and Soft-Tar Pitch by Use of a Digital Density Meter (U-Tube) | VariDens |
ABNT NBR 14065 | Petroleum distillates and viscous oils - Determination of specific gravity and relative density by digital densimeter | VariDens |
ABNT NBR 15639 | Fuel ethanol - Determination of specific mass and alcohol content by bench top digital densimeter | VariDens |
ASTM D6448 - 16 | Standard Specification for Industrial Burner Fuels from Used Lubricating Oils | VariDens |
ASTM D7777-13 | Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API Gravity of Liquid Petroleum by Portable Digital Density Meter | VariDens |
CPTC SH/T 0604-2000 eqv. ISO 12185) | Crude petroleum and petroleum products. Determination of density. Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
DIN 51423 | Testing of mineral oils — Part 2: Measurement of the relative refractive index with the Abbe-refractometer | VariDens |
DIN 51757 | Testing of mineral oils and related materials - Determination of density | VariDens |
EBC 1.6 (Apparatus) | Care and Adjustment of Apparatus: Density Meters | VariDens |
EBC 8.2.2 (Wort) | Specific Gravity of Wort using a Density Meter | VariDens |
EBC 9.43.2 (Beer) | Specific Gravity of Beer using a Density Meter | VariDens |
EI IP 365 | Crude petroleum and petroleum products — Determination of density — Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
EI IP559 | Determination of density of middle distillate fuels - Hand held oscillating U-tube density meter method | VariDens |
EU Commission Reg. (EC) No 2676 | Determining Community methods for the analysis of wines | VariDens |
EU Commission Reg. (EC) No 2870 | Laying down Community reference methods for the analysis of spirits drinks | VariDens |
EU Commission Reg. (EC) No 128 | Amending Regulation (EEC) No 2676/90 determining Community methods for the analysis of wines | VariDens |
EU Commission Reg. (EC) No 355 | Amending Regulation (EEC) No 2676/90 determining Community methods for the analysis of wines | VariDens |
GB 23971 | Heat transfer fluids | VariDens |
GB 5009.225 | National Food Safety Standard - Determination of ethanol concentration | VariDens |
GB T 11540 | Fragrance/flavor substances – Determination of relative density | VariDens |
GB T 11857 | Whisky | VariDens |
GB 13531 | General Methods on Determination of Cosmetics - | VariDens |
GB 15531-4 | Determination of pH | VariDens |
GB T2013 | Standard test method for density of liquid petrochemical products | VariDens |
GB 21862.3 | Paints and varnishes. Determination of densi. Part 3: Oscillation method | VariDens |
GB T22731 | Fragrance compound | VariDens |
GB T 29617 | Determination of density, relative density,and API gravity of liquids by digital density meter | VariDens |
GB T 4928 | Method for analysis of beer | VariDens |
HGT 4067 | Cell liquor of lithium hexafluorophosphate | VariDens |
IP 365 | Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of density - Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
ISO 12185 | Crude petroleum and petroleum products — Determination of density — Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
ISO 14214 | Liquid petroleum products — Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for use in diesel engines and heating applications — Requirements and test methods | VariDens |
ISO 15212-2 | Oscillation-type density meters — Part 1: Laboratory instruments | VariDens |
ISO ISO 15212-1 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre weight in air) — Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
ISO 18301 | Paints and varnishes — Determination of density — Part 3: Oscillation method | VariDens |
ISO 2811-3 | Method for density and specific gravity measurement of chemical products | VariDens |
JJF 1070 | Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content | VariDens |
JIS K 0061 | Crude Petroleum And Petroleum Products — Determination Of Density — Part 1: Oscillating U-tube Method | VariDens |
JIS K 2249 | International Alcoholometric Tables — Determination of Volume of ethanol-water solution | VariDens |
OIML R 22 | Total dry matter | VariDens |
OIV MA-AS2-03B | MA-AS2-01A | Reference method for the determination of real alcoholic strength by volume of spirit drinks of viti-vinicultural origin: measurement by electronic densimetry | VariDens |
OIV MA-BS-04 | Relative density | VariDens |
OIV MA-BS-06 | Density of alcohols and alcohlic beverages method for determining electronic densimetry (principle based on measuring the period of oscillation) | VariDens |
SH 0604-2000 | Crude petroleum and petroleum products-Determination of density-Oscillating U-tube method | VariDens |
Ph. Eur. 9th Edition-2.2.5 | Specific Gravity | VariDens |
USP 841 | Australian Standards (AS) compliant | VariDens |
Australian Standard K157 | Determination of sucrose content of sugar cane juices, sugars and sugar mill products | VariDens |
AS 4185 | Polarimeters - Sugar - Automatic standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1994 | VariDens |
EU Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with European pharmaceutical quality standards | VariDens |
US Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with US-American pharmaceutical quality standards | VariDens |
JP 17 2 56 Pharmacopoeia | Compliant with Japanese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariDens |
Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 | Compliant with Chinese pharmaceutical quality standards | VariDens |
QB T 1858.1 | Florida water | VariDens |
QB T 2660 | Skin tonic | VariDens |
Oranization | Title | Suggested measuring device |
ICUMSA GS2-11 | Visual appearance using Braunschweig Color-Types | Saccharoflex |
ICUMSA GS2-13 | Reflectance of white sugar | Saccharoflex |
ICUMSA GS1-7 | Solution color at pH 7.0 | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS1-9 | Solution color white sugar | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS1/3-7 | Determination of the solution colour of raw sugars, brown sugars and colored syrups at ph 7.0 | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS1-15 | Determination of dextran in raw sugar by a modified alcohol haze method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS2/3-29 | Determination of copper in refined sugar products by a colorimetric method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS2/3/7/8-31 | Determination of iron in refined sugar products and sugar solutions by a coloric method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS2/3-10 | Determination of white sugar solution colour – official | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS2/7-33 | Determination of sulphite by Rosaniline colorimetric method in white sugar - official; and in can sugar juices and syrups accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS7-15 | Determination of total and soluble phosphate in cane juice by a colorimetric method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS7-21 | Determination of turbidity in clarified cane juice – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS8/4/6-4 | Determination of glucose and fructose in beet juices and processing products by an enzymatic method | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS8/4/6-13 | Determination of lactic acid (L- and D-) in juice and processing products by an enzymatic method | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS8/4/6-14 | Determination of acetic acid in beet juices and processing products by an enzymatic method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS8-23 | Determination of pectic acid in beet raw juice by a 3- hydroxy-diphenyl colorometric method – accepted | Coloromat |
ICUMSA GS8-25 | Determination of pectic acid in beet liquors by a carbazole colorometric method - accepted | Coloromat |
Oranization | Title | Suggested measuring device |
ICUMSA GS5/7-1 | Polarisation , Brix and Fibre in Cane and Bagasse by the Wet Disintegrator with Lead Subacetate Single Method | AutoFilt®, AutoDosage® |
ICUMSA GS6-1 | The Determination of the Polarisation of Sugar Beet by the Macerator or Cold Aqueous Digestion Method using Lead Acetate as Clarifying Agent – Official | AutoFilt®, AutoDosage® |
ICUMSA GS6-3 | The Determination of the Polarisation of Sugar Beet by the Macerator or Cold Aqueous Digestion Method using Aluminium Sulfate as Clarifying Agent – Official | AutoFilt®, AutoDosage® |
ICUMSA GS3-2 | Polarisation of Raw Sugar without Wet Lead Clarification | AutoFilt Z®, AutoDosage® |
ICUMSA GS7-7 | Determination of the Polarisation of Filter Cake | AutoFilt®, AutoFilt Z®, AutoDosage® |
ICUMSA GS3-1 | The Braunschweig Method for the Polarisation of White Sugar by Polarisation | AutoFilt®, AutoDosage® |